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Friday, March 5, 2010

Slow steps

In spite of being home, it was not a very restful night! Ben was on hospital schedule, up every 60 or 90 minutes from about 12:30 a.m. until 5:00 a.m. That meant that mom and dad were up quite a bit, too.

Today has been good. We're trying to balance Ben's need and desire for rest and his body's need for the same plus food and activity. He's had a few bites of this and that and is drinking a lot of water and Gatorade. He went downstairs and we had him sit in the family room la-z-boy for a couple hours, then took a little walk outside on this sunny, clear day. The rest of the time's been spent relaxing in his bed.

Kim and I are trying to get caught up on bills and household errands, she spent a couple hours doing childcare for the family she works for, and I've been multitasking with some work responsibilities as well. It's nice having gma & gpa L here to help with some of the stuff around the house. It's hard to keep gma sitting still!

So here's hoping that a balanced day for Ben and a busy day for the rest of us will translate into a better night's sleep tonight.

I'm sure Ben's slow steps will turn into passionate dashes and joyful drumming before we know it.

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