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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

All about time for healing

Today was basically fine. The magic words now are "time to heal." Still has the ng tube. He did pass a stool last night. Basically they don't think his digestive system is ready for anything yet, including liquid. So he waits, with a remarkable degree of patience and grace.

The main challenge today was playing with his blood pressure. They'd like to get him off nicardapine, but every time they try his blood pressures get higher than they'd like for the healing he needs to do. So they keep him on a low dose. We think this will regulate better once he's able to eat.

Really, that's all the news today. It was quiet, and he is ready to sleep tonight.

One minor crisis was averted when Valor, Ben's trusty lion of courage, took an unauthorized side trip to the soiled linen basket. Fortunately we realized it and sent out a search party before the laundry worker came and swept him away! Valor is restored to his rightful place at Ben's shoulder.

Now we can rest easy tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Glad it was an uneventful day and I'm SO GLAD Valor was found and restored to his shoulder. Aww Ben, such a brave, patient little man. I'm glad he's on the road to recovery now.


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