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Tastes like ... what??

When our son Ben was a toddler, he was struggling to learn colors, and to develop new food tastes. One day as we pared pieces of a golden de...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

End of day # whatever

The conclusion of today is pretty simple. Ben is stable, seems to be maintaining his blood levels and is totally free of oxygen assists. They have scheduled an endoscopy for tomorrow at 1:00 p.m., but they will reassess the need in the morning. The GI docs think its necessary, the heart surgeon would like them to wait a few days.

Ben's spirits have been good today. He smiled a lot, cracked a few jokes, made some new friends with the staff, had a sponge bath and generally a fine day. He is a great patient, polite and cooperative.

That's about it for tonight. Kim came in to see Ben this evening and I'll stay one more night before we change shifts. Good night.

1 comment:

  1. The thoughts and prayers of Central United Methodist in Richmond are with Ben and your family. Now get back to those drums Ben!!!!


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