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Monday, March 29, 2010

Feeling good

Ben wants you to know that he's feeling good. He's talking constantly, ordering his next twelve meals, and plotting his future activities like work camps and drum accessorization.

From the parental perspective things are stable. He's still on his heparin drip, although they had stopped it temporarily last night because they got a low reading on his hemoglobin. Apparently it was a tainted sample because the levels are back up. They're also transitioning him to coumadin, which he'll go home on and remain on for several months.

Visually it looks like the swelling in his calf has gone down a little, although the thigh still seems to be swollen. He says it doesn't hurt any more, which is a good sign.

Kim spent last night and today at the hospital. Noah and Lydia headed back to school after their Spring break. Lydia's still carrying the burden for her brother, most noticeably in her belly. But she had a good day at school, especially in her art class where she got to color a chameleon. Jon spent the day working and in a meeting at the office, and is going to spend the night with Ben.

Tomorrow Ben turns 15. We're just thankful that he's completed the fifteenth year! We look forward to a strong, healing start to the 16th.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to Ben! Sorry he has to spend it in the hospital!


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