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Saturday, January 23, 2010

All the leadership in the world

Organizations and agencies won't be the means by which the church will return to its primary vocation, which is intimately living the story of Jesus. The witness of the gospel of Jesus Christ will impact the world one disciple at a time, and will be nurtured in communities of disciples not focused primarily on being THEIR community, but which are focused on living INTO an ever-expanding VISION of God's reconciling kingdom.

I won't go as far as saying that organizations or denominations are not important. They provide a leadership role. But in the end, the primary locus of evangelism begins with the Holy Spirit, transacts through individual connections, and roots itself out into the world from the soil of rich communities of support, worship, practice, and preparation.

If we're going to evangelize, represent the life and ministry of Jesus Christ in the world, it will require me, and it will require you, to be, as the apostle Paul says, ambassadors for Christ each and every moment of every day.

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